What Should You do if Bed Bugs are found at Work?

A picture of Michael Perrino

Michael Perrino

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Protecting Yourself from Bed Bugs in Public Places

Though unlikely, bed bug infestations can occur in offices, classrooms, or other non-residential environments like department stores. These places can act as transfer points, allowing bed bugs to hitchhike to your home. Everyone, including management, staff, students, and workers, can help minimize the spread of bed bugs.

Steps You Can Take

  • Reduce clutter: Clutter provides an ideal environment for bed bugs, whether at home, school, or work. Reducing clutter in these spaces reduces hiding spots for bed bugs and decreases the chances of them traveling to your home.
  • Keep belongings separate: If there is a known issue with bed bugs at school or work, consider storing personal items in a plastic bin to avoid contact with others’ belongings.
  • Stay alert in common areas: Pay attention to areas where bed bugs are likely, such as break rooms, storage areas (coat closets or cubbies), offices or lounges with upholstered furniture, or resting areas.
  • Set up a monitoring program: If a bed bug is found, keep track of that area. Multiple sightings in one location could indicate an infestation or repeated introductions from someone’s home.
  • Educate staff: Make sure staff know what to do if they encounter a bug that might be a bed bug.
  • Discourage panic and stigma: These reactions are counterproductive and can complicate treatment efforts.
  • Vacuum daily: Regular vacuuming helps remove stray bugs before they become established.

If a Bed Bug is Found

  • Inform management and facilities staff: They should lead control efforts.
  • Only treat actual infestations: A single bed bug does not constitute an infestation.
  • Hire a pest control professional: Use one who applies integrated pest management techniques.
  • Minimize exposure: Apply pesticides at times when building occupants are not present, such as on a Friday evening.
  • Alert everyone in the building: Inform staff about the sighting and the response plan. This allows them to take additional precautions and prevents rumors or misinformation.

Michael Perrino

Pest Researcher and Education Specialist

About Michael Perrino

As a Pest Education Specialist, my role focuses on translating real-world pest control industry knowledge into educational resources and content aimed at empowering customers with valuable information.

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