Why Are Roaches Sometimes Found in The Shower?

A picture of Michael Perrino

Michael Perrino

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Cockroaches are frequent invaders in many households. Though they might appear harmless, these pests can carry diseases, posing health risks to your family.

What Draws Cockroaches to My Shower?

Several factors may attract cockroaches to your shower. One primary reason is the availability of food or water. Cockroaches are drawn to moisture, so a leaky shower or standing water might be the culprit. Additionally, the warmth of your shower area can also attract cockroaches. These pests prefer dark, warm, and humid environments, making your shower an ideal spot for them.

Cockroaches will eat almost anything, including soap, toothpaste, hair, and even dead skin cells. So, if there’s any food or water present in your shower, it could draw cockroaches. Even if your shower appears clean, hidden food or moisture might be attracting them.

What Are the Risks of Having Cockroaches in My Shower?

As previously mentioned, cockroaches can carry diseases. They can also provoke allergies and asthma in some individuals. If you have young children or anyone with a weakened immune system at home, keeping cockroaches out of your shower is crucial.

Cockroaches may bite humans when threatened. While these bites aren’t poisonous, they can cause skin irritation. Additionally, cockroaches can transmit bacteria that might lead to infections.

Where Are Cockroaches Coming From?

Cockroaches are among the most resilient insects, thriving in conditions where others would fail. They’re resistant to many household cleaners, making them particularly difficult to eliminate. These pests are also experts at hiding.

Here are a few common places where shower cockroaches or their nests might be hiding:

  • Cracks and crevices in your shower or bathroom: Cockroaches can fit through tiny spaces, so if there are any cracks or gaps in your bathroom, they might be entering from there.
  • Underneath your sink: The space under your sink is a perfect hiding spot for cockroaches, as they prefer dark areas.
  • In your drains: Sometimes, cockroaches enter homes through drains. Any cracks or openings in your drains could be a pathway for them.
  • Behind the toilet: The moist area behind your toilet is another typical hiding spot for cockroaches.
  • In cabinets: Cockroaches often hide in cabinets since they are dark and humid.

How Can I Eliminate Cockroaches in My Shower?

The most effective way to eliminate cockroaches in your shower is by contacting a pest control professional. They can pinpoint the source of the infestation and eradicate it.

Meanwhile, here are some steps you can take to discourage cockroaches from entering your shower:

  • Repair any leaks or standing water in your shower: This will remove the moisture that attracts cockroaches.
  • Keep your shower clean: Cockroaches are drawn to food and debris, so ensure your shower is clean. Wipe surfaces after use and sweep up any debris.
  • Seal cracks and crevices in your bathroom: This can help prevent cockroaches from entering in the first place.
  • Use roach traps: These traps can capture and kill cockroaches.
  • Apply roach spray: Roach spray can kill cockroaches on contact. Follow the instructions on the label carefully.
  • Ventilate your bathroom: Cockroaches prefer dark, humid spaces, so keeping your bathroom well-ventilated can deter them.

Michael Perrino

Pest Researcher and Education Specialist

About Michael Perrino

As a Pest Education Specialist, my role focuses on translating real-world pest control industry knowledge into educational resources and content aimed at empowering customers with valuable information.

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